Monday, April 1, 2013


 What do we have today!?


What is Eggling?
"The precious, little eggling looks and feels like an extra large egg, but crack its top and discover a garden ready to grow! Cultivation is easy — seeds are already sown into eggling’s fortified peat mixture, just crack it’s top (by tapping on it with a spoon), water and place in bright spot. Plants grow for up to five months in the eggling, after which it can be planted directly in soil.
Extremely popular in Japan where it is hand made of white porous ceramic, the eggling (54mm x 47.5mm) comes with a terra cotta tray and an extra seed pack to insure success. Ten egglings are available: three herbs (basil, mint and thyme), three flowers (chrysanthemum, phlox, petunia), and four special edition varieties (lavender, cactus, red pepper, and wild strawberry). In its handsome gift box, the eggling makes a clever and delightful gift for the chef, gardener or anyone who loves the cute and curious." (source: Eggling )

 TDLR: It's a egged shaped pot with soil and seeds inside. You crack it and water it and watch it grow (ideally).

Picture Instructions on the outside of the box.

Contents inside.

Inside the box is an extra pack of lavender seeds (you can use now or save for later), paper instructions (in several different languages), the egg and a ceramic tray.

It really does look like an egg!
Next step was to set it up and get cracking. I made a gif just for the occasion.


 I think I might have cracked it too much. ("Continue tapping until you have an opening about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter.")

Opps smashed it too hard. Inside is a paper wrap with seeds inside. I did not unearth it so I do not know what it looks like. I just doused it with water till the water reached the tray.

Yeah totally over cracked.
That paper started to get gooey and melty. I suppose it eventually melts away! It's been a week and so far nothing has sprouted yet! The website says it takes about 3 - 4 weeks.

Always keep your plant watered since this is the time for germination. You are also suppose to keep it in 60 degree weather and with a lot of light.

Hope this works out!

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